Americans' satisfaction with big business cratered in 2021
Gallup just published the results of its annual poll gauging satisfaction with various aspects of American life, including its institutions. Not surprisingly, the numbers are generally lower relative to the January 2020 batch.
What's striking, however, is the collapse of satisfaction with the size and influence of major corporations. Respondents who indicated they were "very" or "somewhat" satisfied dropped to 15 percentage points in just 12 months, from 41% to 26%. It's the lowest number since Gallup began conducting this poll in 2001 (see below).
For more data and context, see Gallup's own summary:
U.S. Satisfaction Sinks With Many Aspects of Public Life
Gallup’s annual update on Americans’ satisfaction with seven broad aspects of the way the U.S. functions finds these perceptions at their lowest in two decades of measurement.